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Support us!

Every Donation supports The HERstory Project!

All donations made to The HERstory Project support research opportunities for early career historians and academics through the upkeep of our site, production of The HERstory Project Journal and miscellaneous research costs. Currently, our Founder & Director, Abby, funds The HERstory Project herself. Every penny donated or spent in our shop is hugely appreciated, (by Abby especially). 

You can donate here and read about what we use our funding for below! 

Don't forget to check out our shop too!

What we use your donations for

Why should you support The HERstory Project?

We get it, we're a group of mostly Gen Z recent graduates, why should you give us any of your hard earned cash? Well, here's what people said why we asked them why our Project is important

We can’t learn from history if we do not have the whole story. And we don’t have the whole story…yet

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